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Investigation Management System

Crimson is an investigation and case management software solution designed to support investigators working in the public and private sector. It delivers an intelligent secure database for any type of organisation that has a need to investigate incidents, allegations or any type of criminal activity.


From complex investigations to straightforward lower level crime management, Crimson will support every stage of the investigative process.


System Features

Crimson is a series of investigative modules used individually or as a complete seamless solution. It provides customers with greater choice and flexibility when deciding the most appropriate way to support their investigative resources.



Disclosure and Case prep

Incidents & Intelligence

Crimson is a modular solution that allows incidents and intelligence to be recorded outside of an investigation. Incidents allow for pre-investigative data and allegations to be managed, and then escalated to an investigation if necessary.


The intelligence module allows for the management of intelligence in accordance with the National Intelligence Model.

Crimson is a flexible and efficient system that allows for all investigative material to be managed consistently across an organisation, in one user friendly solution. This includes exhibits, statements, log entries, surveillance, actions/ tasks, attachments as well as customisable records and fields.


The system is web-based allowing users to easily access critical information on the go and on a range of devices including, desktops, laptops and mobiles.

Crimson allows and even prompts for disclosure assessments to take place on all investigative material as an ongoing, continual process.


Case preparation and court documentation, such as schedules and exhibit & statement bundles, can then be easily produced at the click of a button, saving a huge amount of investigator time.

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Dashboards & Searching

Core-Records and Linking


Crimson has various reporting tools that allow for pre-built and custom reports to be created easily. The reporting features allow for the searching and statistical analysis of all information within the system, including detailed management and workload reports.

Crimson includes several dashboard facilities to manage user workload. They provide a quick and easy way to navigate through the system, as well as provide prompts to certain activities that require attention. Crimson also provides comprehensive search facilities which allows users to find key data within the system, including scanned documents.

Crimson allows for records such as people, organisations, addresses and vehicles to only be recorded once on the system and linked using an intelligent linking process. This provides a full history of that record, allowing investigators to uncover previously unknown links and new lines of enquiry. This information can then be displayed on a visual link chart.

"Crimson makes it easier to manage the investigations and make connections more quickly so that we get a clear picture of loan sharks, who they are lending to and the scale of their operations. It will enable us to be more efficient and effective in tackling illegal money lenders."

Illegal Money Lending Team

“Crimson is a very flexible system which can be used by any team that requires the ability to collate intelligence, allegations and develop these into investigations, it has improved efficiency no end.”

—  Ian Walker, Intelligence Manager

"Crimson creates a great ‘one stop shop’ for management of all large complex cases and is a first class solution to tackling the challenges of disclosure, minimising the risks of getting it wrong."

—  Colin Rumford, Head of Regional Investigations

—  IMLT Spokesperson

Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority

National Trading Standards

To learn more about Crimson contact us

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